
Why Arzel is the Best HVAC Zoning System

If you’re looking for the best HVAC zoning system, we’d like to talk to you about Arzel. Our motorless, air-driven dampers set us apart from the competition. They make it easier to add retrofit zoning to your existing HVAC system, without expensive and messy ductwork revisions. If you’re building a new home, then these are still the best dampers for you because they are so reliable. Here’s why we think Arzel has the best HVAC zoning system. We hope you’ll agree!

Adding HVAC Zoning to Your Home

We know lots of contractors who think Arzel is the best HVAC zoning system for retrofit applications, or projects where they’re adding zoning to existing HVAC system. Why? It’s all about our dampers. Our standard dampers are easy to add to your existing HVAC system. The contractor just cuts a small hole in the ductwork and inserts the damper. They fit over the hole with a gasketed seal that keeps your ductwork well sealed.

Most of our competitors require cutting out a section of ductwork and replacing it with a damper mechanism. This process takes longer and can be very difficult to do in hard-to-reach areas. In certain applications, contractors may have to remove a section of ductwork to add Arzel Zoning, but the majority of the time they can avoid this step.

Speaking of hard-to-reach areas, we have special dampers that are even easier to fit into existing ductwork. Sometimes a section of ductwork is inaccessible because it’s behind drywall or beneath the floor. In these cases, our insertable dampers can save the day. With these dampers, the contractor will reach in through the register or through a section of accessible duct, and insert the damper. One of the dampers even folds like a taco so it can fit around corners.

Arzel is not just the best HVAC zoning system for retrofit applications, though. We also think it’s a great idea to add Arzel Comfort to newly built homes.

HVAC Zoning Systems for Newly Built Homes

When you’re building a home, you want to have every detail just the way you want it. This is your chance to avoid all of the things that bugged you about other homes! So don’t forget to think about your indoor comfort. Including an HVAC zoning system is a great way to ensure you’ll be able to enjoy your new home in comfort.

One of the things that makes Arzel the best HVAC zoning system for newly built homes is reliability. Our unique dampers have a very low fail rate, which means you can depend on them to keep running for a long time.

Our competitors use motorized dampers that have a small motor on each damper. Motors never last forever, and it can be a pain to replace these motors that are spread throughout your ductwork.

The reason Arzel dampers are more reliable, is that they have no motors attached to them. The “engine” that runs an Arzel zoning system is a small pump in the control box. The pump provides pressure or vacuum to the dampers through pneumatic tubing, and that’s what opens and closes the dampers. Our pump is very reliable too—in fact, it’s a medical-grade pump—but if it does fail, it’s easy to access. Your contractor can open the control box and replace the pump without needing to open up your ductwork.

Lifetime Warranty Makes Arzel the Best HVAC Zoning System

We’ve already mentioned a few unique things about Arzel, but this might be the best one. Arzel systems are covered by a lifetime warranty! Since 2013, we have been covering our systems with a lifetime warranty.

When you make an investment in your home, you want to be sure it’s worth the cost. Arzel’s warranty is our way of telling you that we stand behind our products. We test our products extensively before they are released, and we know they will last for years.

How to Get Arzel Comfort

If you’re ready to install HVAC zoning in your home, the next step is to find a great contractor. Use our contractor locator to find an HVAC contractor in your area who has experience with Arzel. Or if you already have an HVAC contractor you trust, give them a call and say you want the best HVAC zoning system: Arzel.

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