
The Real Truth About HVAC Zoning: Is It Only for Large Houses?

HVAC zoning is a great way to save energy and money and make your home more comfortable. But many people are under the impression that HVAC zoning is only for large houses. That’s not necessarily true. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the real truth about HVAC Zoning and whether or not it’s only for large houses.

What Is HVAC Zoning, and How Does It Work?

You may be wondering, “What is HVAC zoning?” Zoning is an effective way to control temperatures in different areas of your home. It divides your home into separate zones, with a thermostat in each zone to independently control the temperature.

To create the zones, you’ll have dampers inside your ductwork. The dampers will open or close to direct heating and cooling to the right zone at the right time. Set the temperature in each zone, and you will get precise control of each zone’s conditions.

Think of the light switches in your home. Do you have more than one? Of course! You wouldn’t want just one light switch to control the light to the entire house. So why would you have just one thermostat?

To see zoning in action, watch our 60-second explainer video.

Which Homes Can Benefit from Zoning?

Sometimes people think that zoning is primarily for larger houses. These homes might have unique comfort challenges that zoning can solve. But the truth is that zoning is not just for larger houses. Zoning can complement the HVAC system in homes of any size.

Multilevel homes can benefit from zoning because you can set a different temperature for each level. This can accommodate one family member that may prefer a cooler temperature in the bedroom upstairs while another prefers the living room to be warmer downstairs.

Homes with basements or additions are also excellent applications for HVAC zoning. By dividing the home into separate zones, the basement or addition can be kept at an optimal temperature without significantly impacting the rest of the home.

Finally, sunrooms and other high-heat rooms are great candidates for HVAC zoning. By allowing homeowners to customize the temperature in a specific area, HVAC zoning ensures that these areas can be comfortably heated or cooled without disrupting the temperature in the rest of the house.

Overall, HVAC zoning gives homeowners more flexibility and control over the temperature of their homes, regardless of their size or layout. By utilizing multiple zones, homeowners can ensure that every area of their home is at an ideal temperature. Read our homeowner reviews for more examples of comfort issues that zoning can fix.

How can my home benefit from HVAC Zoning?

HVAC Zoning improve the effectiveness of your HVAC system and save you money on energy costs in the long run. It also creates customizable comfort throughout your home. This eliminates hot and cold spots that can be uncomfortable or even dangerous in certain weather conditions.

Arzel Zoning Systems come with a lifetime warranty and a 100% comfort guarantee, so you can feel confident that you’ll be comfortable with the temperatures in your home.

Ready to get started? Find a local contractor in your area.

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